The sustainable sites category rewards projects for designing the site to minimize adverse impacts on the site location. There are 6 categories in LEED for Homes related to Sustainable Sites.
Intent: Minimize long-term environmental damage to building lot
1.1 - Erosion Controls During Construction
CPESC - Certified Professional Erosion and Sedimentation Control
EPA Erosion
a) Stockpile and protect disturbed topsoil
b) Control runoff with silt fencing, or similar measures
c) Protect on-site storm sewer inlets, streams, and lakes
e.g. - straw bales, silt fencing, silt sacks, rock filters
d) If soils in sloped area disturbed- use tiers, erosion blankets, compost
blankets, filter socks, and berms
Erosion Control Technology Council
International Erosion Control Association
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation in the Great Lakes Region
1.2 - Minimize disturbed Area of Site (1 point)
Where site not previously disturbed:
a) Develop tree or plant preservation with "no disturbance zone"
b) Leave at least 40% of buildable lot undisturbed, not including area
under roof- only counts softscapes, e.g. not driveways (hardscapes)
Where site previously developed:
c) Develop tree or plant preservation with "no disturbance zone" and
rehabilitate lot by undoing soil compaction and meeting requirement 2.2
Ecological Restoration
Lady Bird Johnson Wildlife Center
North American Native Plant Society
Plant Native
Society for Ecological Restoration International
Soil and Water Conservation Society
d) Build on site with a lot area of less than 1/2 acre, or with housing
density that => 7 units/acre. For multifamily - lot size calculated as total
lot size/number of units.
Intent: Design landscape features to avoid invasive species, minimize water
demand and synthetic chemicals.
2.1 No Invasive Plants:
US Department of Agriculture
2.2 Basic Landscape Design (2 points)
a) Turf must be drought tolerant
b) No turf in densely shaded areas
c) No turf in areas with slope of 25% (i.e., 4:1)
d) Add mulch or soil amendments as appropriate
e) All compacted soil (e.g. from construction) tilled to at least 6 inches
2.3 Limited Conventional Turf (maximum 3 points)
American Society of Landscape Architects
2.4 Drought-Tolerant Plants (maximum 2 points)
Extension Service Offices
2.5 Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand (minimum of 25%)
- Local Heat Island Effects
Intent: Reduce local heat island effects.
Prerequisites: None
3 Reduce Local Heat Island Effects (1 point)
a) Locate trees or plants to provide shade for at least 50% of sidewalks,
patios, driveways 50 feet from home- based on 5 years growth.
b) High albedo materials for at least 50% of sidewalks, patios, driveways
within 50 fee of home, e.g. white concrete, gray concrete, open pavers
(any material solar reflectance index (SRI) at least 29.
American Concrete Pavement
EPA Heat Island
Intent: Minimize erosion and runoff from the home site
Prerequisites: None
4.1 Permeable Lot (maximum 4 points)
Permeable Pavement NAHB Research Center
4.2 Permanent Erosion Controls (1 point)
Storm Water Center
4.3 Management of Runoff from Roof (maximum 2 points)
Intent: Minimize need for poisons to control insects, rodents, other pests
Prerequisites: None
5 Pest Control Alternatives (1/2 point each, maximum 2 points)
Bio-Integral Resource Center
Integrated Pest Management Practitioners Association
Intent: Conserve land by compact development
Prerequisites: None
6.1 Moderate Density (2 points)
6.2 High Density (3 points)
6.3 Very High Density (4 points)
Affordable Housing Design Advisor